In this week's episode I discuss about self sabotage and how to become your best self but not putting off daily tasks? Listen to hear how I have personally self sabotaged during one of my own bikini preps, take home some advice for how you can prevent self sabotaging from happening. Bare with me now I am 8 weeks out from North Americans and Prep brain is hitting me pretty hard.

If you like cupcakes or protein shakes this episode is for you!

You can follow your host Savana Sharp on Instagram @savsharp_

Subscribe to her Youtube Channel Savana Sharp

Check out my website:

Let's pose! Here is my link to schedule a posing lesson!

Thank you for listening new episodes every Wednesday!

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Use the code, "SAVANAS" for 10% off your purchase at Angel Competition Bikinis

Need Help Designing your dream competition suit? Sign up for a Free Consultation with me your Angel Competition Bikini's Suit Specialists. We can choose your fabric, crystals, connectors, sizing and more!

Cupcakes & Protein Shakes Merch  HERE


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