Gina Colagioia is the jill-of-all-trades, insatiably curious polymath, and event planner behind NY-based company Renaissance Person. Renaissance Person is an event series with the tagline "Okay at Everything" that teaches people fun, interesting, and kinda weird skills: beatboxing with the world beatboxing champion, faking your own death, making homemade butter, and many, many more. Their events are low cost and designed to be educational-ish, super fun, and let you satisfy your curiosity. 

We talk about Gina's career trajectory and how she turned her curiosity and thirst for learning #AllTheThings into a unique and successful company. Gina's super real and honest with us, and we had a great discussion about the future of Renaissance Person, her tips for throwing events that people will actually come to, and more.

00:05:26: What is Gina's current job and what does she do?

00:12:01: Gina tells about her day job and her interesting career trajectory. We talk about how a lot of creatives have day jobs, too!

00:30:32: What was the origin story of Renaissance Person?

00:39:32: What are the challenges and rewards of running Renaissance Person?

00:46:15: What's Gina's "why?" 

00:52:00: We have an interesting chat about perfectionism and how limiting it can be.

00:60:00: Are there any legal liabilities Gina has to think about when throwing events?

01:04:00: How does she market events to make sure people actually come?

01:14:00: Gina has a bunch of certifications herself: an ordained minister, a licensed marine fisherman, a NY Poll Worker, Naloxone carrier, Trap-Neuter-Release for feral cats, and Google Analytics. How did she get these certifications? Was it hard?

01:22:00: What's her favorite RP class so far?

01:25:00: Is it hard to find spaces at which to host the events?

01:33:00: What's the future of Renaissance Person?

01:41:00: Back to the future: what advice would Gina give to her younger self? What's the biggest business mistake she's made?

02:09:25: A Day in the Life: what does her day-to-day look like?

02:15:00: Listener questions and quick answers, with some bonus questions thrown in.