The migrant family separations that were undertaken by the Trump administration, in an effort to discourage immigration through the unequivocal prosecution of migrants and the separation of their children at the US-Mexico border, have taken a profound toll on the children and the adults. 

Much of that toll has been hidden from the public, but details are now beginning to emerge. Testimonies filed in federal court offer am arresting look at the suffering incurred by migrants during the months that the policy was in place. 

In this episode, we hear excerpts from some of those testimonies, read by actors. 

We are also looking at new summer food trends in our latest episode -- from the croissushi -- cross between a croissant and sushi -- to freak shakes. Not all of these are a good idea, but all are on the agenda during our conversation with CultureCast Food Editor Sasa Woodruff. 

CREDITS: Thanks to actors Zamara JimenezJim McCaffreeDebba Rofheart and Jaime Soria for contributing to this episode. 

(Photo Courtesy: Nina Robinson / BBC World Service via Flickr-Creative Commons )

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