Discussion w/ ConCreates CoFounders Vincent Bragg and Janeya Griffin about giving inmates a purpose and helping rehabilitate into contributing members of society. ConCreates is a unique Creative Agency that crowd sources its ideas from the untapped talent pool currently locked up behind bars. Vincent Bragg, the Co-Founder and CEO of Concreates, has shaken off the title of Felon & redefined himself as an executive and innovator. Bragg has over 15 years’ experience in the entertainment and marketing industry, leading dozens of teams and overseeing hundreds of projects, including raising the listenership of X-Radio.Biz by over 37 million listeners during his time as VP of Marketing. Janeya Griffin, CoFounder & Chief Innovation Strategist of ConCreates balances her work with her day job at the National Aeronautics Space Agency (NASA). Her direct ties to this nation’s criminal justice system stem from her life story, where both of her parents were incarcerated at the young age of 16, leaving her to temporarily care for her 6 year old younger brother. https://concreates.com/ [email protected] Twitter: @CONCREATES_ Instagram: @concre8tes www.JaneyaGriffin.com