It’s a long episode this week but that’s because we have a lot to say! We discuss all heavy topics from codeswitching, sex ed, and climate genocide. Plus, you'll get to hear Becca discuss the horrors of blue waffle. 

It’s a long episode this week but that’s because we have a lot to say! We discuss all heavy topics from codeswitching, sex ed, and climate genocide. Plus, you'll get to hear Becca discuss the horrors of blue waffle. 

Show Notes

Activism And Identity Meet In 'The Hate U Give’” NPR

We Go To First Base With 'Big Mouth'“ NPR

Crumb: “Microaggressions at School? The ‘Hate U Give’ Team Has Been There” The New York Times

Banned Spotlight: The Hate U Give Banned Books Week


The Codeswitch Podcast

How racism and microaggressions lead to worse health

Crumb: Big Mouth - S2E5 The Planned Parenthood Show

Big Mouth Grows Up (Kinda) The Atlantic

Teen Sex Ed: Instead of Promoting Promiscuity, It Delays First Sex

Savage Lovecast

Crumb: The Daily Ep from 10-19-2018 - “The Climate Change Tipping Point”

Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions, study says” The Guardian

UN Says Climate Genocide Is Coming. It’s Actually Worse Than That” New York Magazine

Bonus Crumb: How to Save a Stranger’s Life The Future Perfect Podcast

Bonus Crumb: Mary Blair

Bonus Crumb: Vote on Nov. 6!


Logo by Thomas Freeman

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