Culture Chat Episode: 62 I sit down with Derek Johnson who was a previous guest on the podcast.  Last time […]

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Culture Chat Episode: 62

I sit down with Derek Johnson who was a previous guest on the podcast.  Last time we spoke about the divide between the public and law enforcement agencies.  Today we discuss the hot topic of unconscious bias and how it relates to law enforcement officers.  We delve into recent shootings and his take on arming teachers in school. I also couldn’t talk about these hot topic issues without comparing it to one of my favorite shows, HBO’s The Wire.

Please continue to share this podcast with others. I believe these conversations are important in creating awareness and understanding.  As always the opinions expressed are strictly my own and do not affect my position at work or represent the Wah Lum system.   If you enjoy the podcast I would also appreciate it if you rate it on iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts.  If you would like to become a patron of the show, visit my website or and donate as little as $1 per month. Thanks for the support!  I appreciate it.

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Now On with the show.


Discussed in this episode:

Unconscious Bias

Sacramento Shooting

Parkland Shooting

March for Our Lives

HBO: The Wire

The post Derek Johnson on unconscious bias, recent shootings, and The Wire appeared first on Sifu Mimi Chan.