As a leader, you have a lot on your plate. Meetings, deadlines, reports; there are tons of things on your to-do list and that can make it easy to forget about employee engagement.

In this episode, we’ll go over 6 steps to help employee engagement feel more like second nature instead of a chore.

1. Remove yourself from the equation. Focus on the employee experience.
2. Be human. Employee engagement is a relationship, not a program. Check out the interview in episode 19 with Marcus Harris, store manager for Starbucks. He shares great examples and insight on employee engagement.
3. Listen more than you speak.
4. Be clear in what your employees need. Engagement isn’t one-size-fits-all. Connect with your employees on a level that works for them.
5. Be intentional and plan your employee engagement efforts. What you plan represents priority and it’s no different with employee engagement. If you struggle with staying consistent with engaging your team, order the Employee Engagement Planning Packet today. It contains planner templates and over 50 employee engagement activities & gestures to use.
6. Follow up. The saying “the fortune is in the follow up” doesn't just apply to sales.

Highlights from this episode can be found at

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The New Culture Norm Podcast: Taking Workplace Culture to the Next Level!

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