We're in the Best of 2022 mini-series! Throughout December, we're highlighting the top episodes with the most downloads this year... and episode 138 is the next most downloaded episode thus far! In this episode, I’m sharing how you can shift from being a leader who only instructs people to one who inspires!

Need one-on-one help with your employee engagement plan? Schedule your complimentary clarity call with me here!

Apply to join the New Leader, BIG IMPACT Coaching Program to level up your leadership & build an engaging team... even if the culture is toxic & without management's support! https://baproinc.com/newleaderbigimpact

Questions about this episode? Topic suggestions for future episodes? Record them using the green Record Podcast Question button at www.baproinc.com/ep138 or send them to [email protected]

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The Culture Building like a PRO Podcast: Simple ways to transform your company culture... Today!

| Company Culture | Culture Building | Organizational Culture | Employee Engagement | Effective Leadership | Servant Leadership |