We're continuing with the Best of 2021 mini-series! Throughout December, we're highlighting the top 4 episodes with the most downloads this year. Episode 92 was the second most downloaded episode in 2021.

In this episode, we’re discussing 6 of the biggest mistakes that leaders make when they have a new team & how to avoid them!

Struggling with leading your new team? Let’s get on a call to create your leadership strategy! Schedule your call with Dionna here!

Questions about this episode? Topic suggestions for future episodes? Record them using the green Record Podcast Question button at www.baproinc.com/ep111 or send them to [email protected]

Let's chat about this episode on Twitter: @BAPROINC or IG: @CultureBuildingPRO

The Culture Building like a PRO Podcast: Simple ways to transform your company culture... Today!
| Company Culture | Culture Building | Organizational Culture | Employee Engagement | Effective Leadership | Servant Leadership |