Bio for Cara Bedford

Cara Bedford is the Director of Strategic Marketing for CompuVision, a Canadian core IT service provider which focuses on how disruptive technologies can change traditional businesses. She is also the Managing Editor of Disruption Magazine Canada. 

Episode highlight

As a woman in technology, Cara Bedford brings a unique perspective to the profession. Listen in to learn how disruptive technologies are changing the future of work and how you can keep up. 


Email: [email protected]





“The world is moving faster than it ever has before but as slow as it ever really can.”

“I really honestly believe the questions we ask are more important sometimes than the answers that we’re seeking.”


Childhood incidents:

Cara and her brother were raised by a single mother in Edmonton, Alberta. Her mother showed her by example how to multitask and be resourceful and is still her best friend and wing woman. Cara became drawn to male-dominated careers, inspired by the strong female figures in her life. 

Groups you were born into and belonged to: 

Growing up, Cara’s mother and brother joked that she lived two lives – that of a jock and a drama nerd. She was both sporty and creative, and loved being a part of group activities. She was interested in musical theatre, soccer and volleyball. 

Cara finds that the community in singing groups fills a bucket hole in her life. She sings in a barbershop quartet called Whoa and competes internationally with a barbershop chorus called Gateway Chorus. 

Temperament and personality influences

In the DISC personality assessment, Cara is a D - Dominant, and defaults into that style. She’s quick to make decisions and is very risk averse. 

A time I became aware that my way of doing things was cultural and specific to my cultural experience

Once, Cara was discussing a blog with one of her freelancers when she heard sirens and screaming at his end. She realized that if people in difficult conditions could still deliver work on time and within the budget, there should be nothing stopping people in relatively privileged situations from doing so. 

More great insights from our guest! 

Disruption is a free magazine created for Canadians by Canadians. CompuVision is an innovative, cost-saving, productive and low-risk resource to manage your technology. 

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