Dave on Dave is a Patreon-exclusive series in which David Cho chats with David Chen about his work and life.  In this episode of Dave on Dave, the Davids share about what motivates them, how they set goals, accepting the nuance and complications of fellow humans, and the meaning of July 4th. This episode is being released free on Culturally Relevant for your enjoyment. 

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The Atlantic's article about Brett Kavanaugh David Chen's interview with Bao Nguyen, director of Be WaterMan eats Jason Segel's picture dailyCommonweal's article about socialismThis podcast is powered by Simplecast. Check them out at simplecast.com for a great podcast management and analytics solution.Let me know your feedback for the podcast by emailing culturallyrelevantshow(AT)gmail(DOT)com.Follow the show on Twitter.Find every episode of the show at CulturallyRelevantShow.com.

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