Texas-based musician Scott H. Biram has been something of a touring phenomenon over the last two decades but says that these days he's pulling back a little. Are you touring more these days than in the past? No. I've actually tried to dial it back in the last few years. I was doing 200 dates a year at one point. In the last couple of years, I've tried to dial it back a little bit. I probably do 150-165 dates a year. Four or five tours a year it seems like. Talk to me about that dialing back because I think maybe people don't realize how exhausting that can be to be on the road all the time. Travelling and rolling, rolling all the time is taxing in its own special way. I've found myself laying down in the back of the van, rolling down the highway before, thinking, "God, I wish I could stop moving for a second." And there's the day-to-day stuff that comes with touring: Hustling to get there. There's a lot of hurry up and wait. You have to get there to do the soundcheck and then there's