Previous Episode: Flawed and still Favored
Next Episode: New Year, New Habits


Hello. Welcome back to the Cultivate Women's Podcast. We are so excited to be back. We took a little bit of time off. There was just things going on in life that was inevitable and we had to take a step away and really focus on other things. But we are relaunching our podcast. And just as a reminder, I am Jordan VanCamp.


I am a pastor's wife at Passion Creek. We have been a church for, wow, like almost seven years now or something like that. And so it's been. I've got three daughters. They're all in school now, which is really fun. And I am so excited that I have a new co-host with me. I have Sarah Beth with me, and I know, just, I wanna, how about you to introduce yourself, tell us about you.


Awesome. Thank you so much, Jordan, for inviting me here. I'm excited to be here. I'm a leader, educator, and passion for, and have a huge passion for servant leadership. I've had the privilege of creating and. For several companies and businesses where I was always trying to create a positive and inclusive work environment and space for people.


In addition to my professional pursuits, my faith in Jesus is super important to me. I'm married to my husband of Devin of 16 years together for 18. We have two daughters, Morgan and Alex. This, and they are definitely on their own now. And so I'm super excited to be here. I am a proud alumnus of Grace Christian University at a Grand Rapids, Michigan, where I graduated Summa CU Loud in their seminary program with a focus in leadership and women's ministry.


I'm just really humbled by the opportunity to use my skills and experience to encourage and inspire others in their faith journey. I'm really looking forward to discussing topics related to faith and cultivating meaningful relationships on the Cultivate Podcast. So thank you so much for having me and inviting me to join you.


Yeah, absolutely. I'm so excited. So today's episode, we're just gonna go over just what are, what's our vision for the podcast? What do we, where do we see it going? What topics do we see covering? And then in the next episodes, we'll obviously dive into specific topics. And so there are just like we did before, we talked a lot about leadership, about family, about marriage and so we want to do all of those same things and then expand.


We really have a heart for discipleship at Passion Creek. And as I've run the women's ministry over the years, that has been my biggest like heart. My biggest goal was for us to be able to pour into women of all ages, like older women, pouring into younger women, pouring into older women, because we really can.


Just because we're younger doesn't mean an older woman can't learn from us. And then vice versa, obviously. Yep. And I love that. One of those things is we find that in scripture, we find it in Titus to  chapter two verses three through five. Sir bet. Do you wanna read that like verse specifically?


Absolutely. So Titus two, three through five reads, older women likewise are to be relevant ENT in behavior, not slanderous or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children to be self-controlled, pure, working at home kind and submissive to their husbands that the word of God may not be.


I don't know what that word is. Reveled. Reviled. Rev. Reviled. I'm gonna have to reread that. No Naval . I'll have reread that. Reviled, right? Reviled. I think that's what it is. Okay. I'm gonna reread that. We'll just have him pause that way. Absolutely the verse in Titus two, three through five reads, older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanders or slaves.


Too much wine. They are to teach what is good. And so to train the young women to love their husbands and children to be self-controlled, pure, working at home kind and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. Yeah, I love that. I love that it speaks so much. Both older women and younger women, we both have a place and a role in the church.


And I think that it's really important and I think that just a podcast that is going to touch on those things. It's going to give encouragement and tips and suggestions and and then just have like women who there is an age gap between SarahBeth and I. Yeah. I'm not a huge one. Sure. But enough that, like you raised a daughter who is.


older now, and her, she's in her twenties and absolutely, it's like I still have young kids, so there's a lot of stuff that like of life that you have been through that I have not yet gone through. And so I feel like there's so much that we can talk through and discuss that's gonna be beneficial just for our individual lives, but also for all of you guys who are listening in.


Who may have be in that same season of life that I am or may be the same season of life that Sarah Beth is in. Absolutely. I also think it's important that the goal of this podcast is to find ways to help teach both you and I and our listeners to cultivate great relationships with others and really inspiring everyone to be part of our community and enjoying what that looks like together, creating that togetherness, the groups together.


Enjoy life together. And I think along with enjoying life together and cultivating those relationships, we learn great lessons that can also inspire us to live in alignment with what Titus Two three through five is talking about. Absolutely. I think that on this podcast we also wanna talk about Just like the importance of self-control and purity how these virtues can help us as women cultivate those strong, healthy relationships, like you were saying.


I think that those are big things that society doesn't hold much value in. Self-control. I agree. Purity, like it's very much a , women today, this is my body. I'm gonna do whatever I want with it. , there's, and that we're old fashioned. Yes. That we're just like, oh my gosh. You said the word purity.


That means something from the 1920s. Yeah. Why are we talking about something like purity? That's weird. And there's also a, a. Some somewhat of a stigma, I think about talking freely and openly about things that the Bible talks about. Yeah. Because people don't understand how it could be relevant today.


And so I think through this podcast, we're gonna try to be a positive role model for everyone that's listening. And for each other, living in alignment with the way that we should go and what the Bible teaches us. So I think it's important that we share. We long for everyone to have that openness to hear what self-control means.


And it may not mean what you think society is saying it means. Yeah. Cause there can be misconstrued statements and, popular people or famous people that we listen to that talk about those things and they give it a bad reputation. But our goal is to really share with you the goodness that those things bring.


Yeah. And how it actually provides more peace in your life. And it removes. Guilt that we have had by not living in alignment, alignment with that, if that makes sense. Absolutely. And I think it's important too that.  there. It's one thing to reach scripture and to figure that out and dissect it and really dig through okay, what is the Bible saying here?


What is God saying here? What is Paul teaching about? Like that's all very important. But it also is like, how do I play that to my own life? , and so as a listener, I think it's really like crucial to hear like how do I, like how does Jordan struggle with self-control?


Like what are ways that I have failed and. The Lord has worked through that and taught me, like Amen. So giving these like personal examples and being on some level vulnerable, trans transparent. Yeah. Not like you we're spilling everything here. There's things that you keep to yourself, but Yes.


Yes. But having even just as a general, this is a situation I was in and here's how like I handled it wrong and here's how, like the Lord taught me through that, and maybe this is what I should have done because I think it's so easy to.  to a podcast and have like someone sharing their story and you're sitting back going oh my gosh, I've done that too.


You're like, oh, wow. Like I had a friend who did that meet to me yesterday, and I didn't even think that maybe that was her thought process and I got mad and maybe I, Yeah, you just, you get different perspectives and you hear different sides of the story. And when it's all based in scripture, yes.


It, when we bring it back to this, these are our faults, these are the ways we messed up. . I was in a situation and I was so proud the Holy Spirit provided, and I handled it correctly. Yeah. A win. Yeah. But when we drive it all back to scripture, I think that's what's most important, yes. It's those holding those with two hands, like yes. Personal experience, things that we've been through, things that we have done, but also , how that aligns with the Bible or how it didn't align with the Bible. Yeah. And how we should change that. And I also think that there's often times where you might listen to a podcast and you might hear somebody talking about something that aligns with our faith, that aligns with what we're working on right now, or what we're reading in the Bible.


. But we don't actually, maybe we have new believers on here that are just trying to understand. Stand, how to, pray or how to live in a godly way, how to be a godly woman. And I think our leader, our, everyone who's listening to this, could probably benefit from learning what we are doing, how you do it.


, giving them actual practical steps in their journey, that they can follow and align with. I think that it's easy to, like you said, read your Bible and then try to dig into what that looks like. But one of the challenges can be, okay, but what do I do after I read the Bible and after I try to research what that verse might mean to somebody else on Google?


, because that's common, if you're a new believer, you might say, you might Google, Hey, give me a Bible verse. How I can overcome my worthlessness if I don't feel worthy, like what do I do? But here, I think on the Cultivate podcast, our goal is to give you true actual meaningful steps that you can take as a follower of Christ.


And, we're gonna share with you what Jordan and I have done individually and together. Yeah. And just the way that we have worked to love on our family, our friends, our marriages, and make certain priorities that are important. , just as you were talking it, just I don't even think we have this on our notes, but I was just thinking I know that your heart, like you love to learn, you love knowledge, you love reading and all of that.


And so there are, and we've done this in the past in previous episodes of the Cultivate Women's Podcast, but we've brought up like books that we have read that were helpful resources and so that's something that we will definitely be doing also in the future. There, we did a whole series.


If you guys, if you're a. Seasoned listener, if you've been around since the beginning. , we did a whole series on the book Rhythms of Renewal by Oh yes. Rebecca Lyons. Yes. And it was fantastic. Yes. And so we just did four episodes and they were a little bit longer cuz those are big sections of the book.


Yes. What, but what did you know, what did that look like? What did, what are those rhythms of. And all of those things look like. And so I know that's probably something that we'll also do in the future is Yes. Found a book that Zerbe loved and she's Hey, you need to read this.


Yes. And then we're gonna share about it because this was, this will be so helpful for women in every stage of life. Or that are going through this specific thing or whatever it is. Yes. Or vice versa. I read a book and I'm like, Hey, you've gotta read this. Yes. Cuz I know that's a heart for both of us.


So you can definitely look forward to. I wouldn't say book reviews, but Yeah. But just communicating together and teaching you guys what we learned from different books. . And maybe even teaching you how you can become a reader. Yeah. Sometimes you might hear that people are reading a book and you're like, oh my gosh, that's so lame.


Why are we reading a book? Yeah. But there actually is, So much knowledge and truth that you can get from books and different ways to think about things. And they actually can help me in diving into the Bible and learning more things about what scripture has to say. So I love to read. I think it'll be awesome to do a few book reviews and have you guys go along with us, maybe even read along with us.


Yeah, absolutely. And learn what we're learning about and ways that are different. When you read through an author's. , so many different things come to light and you can learn in such a different perspective. . Yeah, absolutely. So those are just the, some of the things. Was there any other ones that, that you were thinking, Sarah Beth, of just like topics, ideas that we wanted to touch on?


I think that one of the things that I wanted to make sure we touched on was that our goal is to really help encourage women to live a godly life and. Younger women and older women both have that ability to do that. You don't have to be a specific age. I believe that with, in all women, we all can be leaders in our own way, right?


Yeah. And we can be encouragers in our own way. And so just the, to drive home that this podcast is all about encouragement, inspiration and really sharing with you. How you can be, part of our journey and how we can impact your life in a positive way. So that's my biggest hope here for what the podcast is gonna represent.


Yeah, I love that. And I, that's definitely both of our hearts and our desires. And we just want to be an encouragement. We want to encourage you to cultivate relationships in your own life, cultivate your relationship with the Lord. Cultivate a love for learning, for reading.  Memorizing scripture for a relationship with Jesus.


Yeah. We wanna drive that home. , our life would be nothing without him. And so I think that bringing in the importance of actually what that relationship can look like as a woman. Yeah. It's so easy to go to church and hear all these different things, as women we just think so differently and we have so many different things going on.


A hundred million ideas at one moment, right? ? Yes. So I think this is a great safe, spla safe space for women to come and for us to just encourage them in that. Yeah, absolutely. That is all we have for today. We are so excited. We hope that you would tune in for the episodes in the future. We are going to be diving to all the things that we just talked about today, and we cannot wait.


All right. Thank you, Jordan, for allowing me the opportunity to participate in the relaunch of the Cultivate podcast. I just really hope that the conversation is meaningful and helpful to all of our listeners.