Previous Episode: LOST WITHOUT LOST

The possibilities that podcasting open up as a new way to keep in touch with Cult TV's supporters has just come into sharp focus. As Basil Fawlty would say, it was a case of missing the bleedin' obvious in terms of being able to relay all the latest news, pepper in some reviews of the latest TV as well as DVD releases, run a few prize competitions aside from those on our website, and give a little more background to the trials and tribulations of running a charity benefit convention in our spare time.

So, the infrastructure to make this happen is gradually being put into place. As the guide books tell us, we'll want to go softly-softly at the beginning, finding our feet, getting used to the technology, and building up to what should be an entirely new experience not only for us, but also for you, those loyal souls who have stuck by us in what some may call "interesting times".

At that point, we can then start all guns blazing as we make a difference to the internet landscape and hopefully enlist your help in spreading the word about what we hope will be an entertaining and novel addition to the likes of iTunes and countless other net directories out there.

And from what we can tell, we've got something different to shout about, something new to bring to the marketplace, and the right sort of knowledge and enthusiasm to make it have an impact.

So, keep watching out for more information!CULT TV INSIDER - News, Reviews and Interviews in the worlds of extraordinary fictional television - Details at