When was the last time you failed at something? Really failed. That kind of failure that you can recall and relive as if it were happening at the moment? What did you learn from that failure about yourself and others? I believe that if we use our failures as opportunities to reflect, assess and course correct, we can leverage them to our advantage and give us insight and amount of wisdom that is only afforded to those who take risks.


By choosing to stay in our comfort snowed we get to be “safe”. I believe we also miss out on some of life most profound lessons by doing so. The rewards for staying in our comfort zone is seemingly a level of certainty and control over your environment. The rewards for exploring beyond our comfort zone is being let in on some of life most powerful truths, You get to see what you are made of. You get to learn things about experiences and life that show you that there is no going back only forward. It also reveals to you the ultimate lesson; control is ultimately an illusion.  We like to think we get control by playing small but ultimately in the letting go and listening to our instincts and being adaptive to our changing environment is where the ultimate control lies.


Today on Cue To Cue We are talking about famous failures, what failure is, and how do you reframe failure to work for you and not let it define you!

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