Follow Cue to Cue!

I: @thisischelseajohnson

F: @thisischelseajohnson

T: @thisischelseaj

We are going for a solo round today! If you are new here, welcome!

Solo rounds are just that! They are a departure for the long form interviews that happen on a regular basis here, On Cue to Cue.  I pop in from time to time and talk about experience and things artists, including myself, run into along our path to honing our craft and deepening our artistry. 

I share challenges, break throughs, and themes/ideas that are coming up for me in the present moment and how they relate to my work and development as an artist and I hope by sharing them,  it can help you connect deeper to yourself and empower you along your journey. 

Today, I am talking about the need we can sometimes feel in our craft to be an expert at your craft and have it all figured out. Whether that be in scene work, auditions, writing, jam sessions, coaching, movement, choreography etc... looking like an expert can put us in a tight space as far as having access to our creativity and connecting to our humanity. 

Let's talk about the value of having a beginner's mindset and the value it can have to your creativity and work as an artist!





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