This interview was a part of our inaugural CTZN Live event—a new monthly live broadcast of the podcast that invites YOU the community to join the conversation...and we were so blessed to feature Lama Rod Owens, author of two of our favorite books at CTZN WELL: the newly released Love & Rage and Radical Dharma, which he co-authored with Rev angel Kyodo williams and Dr. Jasmine Syedullah. Lama Rod Owens is a Buddhist minister, author, activist, yoga instructor, and generational leader who is showing us a path to liberation through anger. In our conversation he says:

“So many of us have been led into believing that the spiritual practice is something that's supposed to be about happiness, and having fun, and going to beautiful spas, and looking beautiful, and having the right clothes, and really the spiritual path is really about the work”.

The “work” that he’s referring to includes examining our anger and rage, and asking ourselves “what is my anger trying to protect?” What is the hurt and heartbreak that lies underneath that needs to be tended to?”

He says, “being in relationship to our broken-heartedness, no matter who we are, is one of the most honest, authentic, and disarming things that we can do to create community together.”

Connect with Lama Rod:

Follow him on Instagram at @lamarodowens

Buy his book, Love & Rage: The Path of Liberation through Anger

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This is about letting go of these old structures and creating new structures. It's about dreaming new ways of being free because we realize that there's so much at stake if we don't do the dreaming.

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+ Transcription

(read transcription here)