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Crypto - 



News - 

Argentinian Banco Masventas (BMV), has announced a partnership Bitex to enable clients to use Bitcoin for international payments as an alternative to SWIFT, according to a Facebook post May 21.
8 years ago today, Laszlo paid 10,000 BTC for 2 pizzas.


 Australian entrepreneur Craig wright who claims to be founder of bitcoin publicly said at African summit 2018 - In 2009 GDP of that country was 5.4 billion US dollars and now in 2018 it's 8.4 billion is dollars, that's less than doubling in 10 years .. The fact of matter on this is, I have got more money than your country ..



 De Beers Group has announced that the world’s largest diamond jewelry retailer has joined their diamond supply blockchain platform Tracr, according to a press release published May 24.  Signet Jewelers joined the project, which aims to bring transparency to the industry, in addition to boosting consumer confidence.


Cryptobabble Founders 

Jazz Sidana and Mark Barra (Jazz & Barra)

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