[mini-series] The Foundations of DeSci hosted by Flowscience.
💡 #4/4: Is Science A Public Good?

🧠 DeScientralized ~ Exploring the Social Layer of Decentralized Science

What does it mean to decentralize science? In this series, we’ll consider the fundamental aspects of science as a social activity & institution through the lens of various contributors in the DeSci space. The first four episodes will be published as a mini-series and lay the groundwork for future conversations. Our goal is to facilitate an exchange of ideas between people working on solutions to these fundamental problems.

Let’s start the show.

Adam Goyer: Psy DAO
Adam’s Aim: The institutional problems in medicine set up in the United States of America led Adam to ask profound questions that led him into the world of DeSci.

Erik Vanwinkle: DeSci Labs
Erik’s Aim: He believes in the Decentralized Science movement with the view that knowledge should be open and unrestricted to anyone who needs it and should be censorship resistant.

Savva Kerdemelidis: Crowdfunded Cure
Savva’s Aim: He focuses on creating a data clinical platform that a marketplace uses to fund top arrangements.

Jelani Clark: DeSci World
Jelani’s “why?”: To create equitable incentives for open access to knowledge.

Clinamenic: Lobby3, JournoDAO
Clinamenic’s “why?”: The Huge potential of non-financial applications for crypto.

Tweets ahead of the show

Key takeaways

Individual incentives versus collective benefit of the accessible public good.

Should We License Public Goods?

The Evolving of on-chain governance


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