Today we are talking to Niran, Founder of Panvala. 

We begin our conversation with a brief introduction to Niran and his crypto journey thus far. He recalls his initial thoughts of Ethereum, and crypto as a whole was not very positive. It wasn’t until he learned of Augur that he began to understand the possibilities of crypto and began to contribute to it. This eventually led him down the Ethereum rabbit hole as he realized that Ethereum was a tool that allows for “rules to be written for any interaction between individuals or groups of people, like the rules for a board game. Except this game does not need an intermediary, or game master, because the network (the computers around the world) are promising to be an impartial game master for any rules you publish on the network.” 
This made him wonder, what should we do with the technology if we have this toolkit for economic and social coordination that unlocks better cooperation for all of mankind. 
Eventually leading him to develop Panvala. And set its mission, as a mass movement to reshape the way value flows in the economy to improve the stuff that we share.
There are very few people that ask the types of questions that Niran does, or are able to dissect topics so precisely.
I am excited to share this conversation with you; so let’s get started.

I really enjoyed my chat with Niran, and I hope you did too. The Panvala movement is a crucial one, not just for the success of web3, but IMO the success of humanity as a whole.

If you’d like to connect with Niran, you can find him on Twitter @ niran 
And to learn more about Panvala, go to and on Twitter at @ PanvalaHQ. 

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I look forward to reconnecting with you at our next discussion.


Crypto Sapiens is produced in partnership with Bankless DAO.  


Crypto Sapiens hosts lively discussions with innovative Web3 builders to help everyone learn about decentralized money systems, including Ethereum, Bitcoin and DeFi.


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