Gaming is an integral component of human culture. Analysts expect that gaming will earn $218.7 billion in revenue by 2024. It had a far-reaching impact on people's lives than we realise. Aside from game development, competing in eSports, purchasing and selling in-game stuff, and hosting tournaments can all make you millions of dollars.

Previously, gaming drew the ire of critics who believed that it was harmful to one's health. It was frowned upon and thought to be a waste of time. That belief, however, may be outdated. According to recent studies, there are numerous advantages to gaming.

According to research, gaming has cognitive benefits. Aside from that, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has reversed its anti-gaming stance. During the pandemic, WHO recommended video games to help kerb the spread of COVID-19. With the opportunity to earn money while playing, gaming today contributes more to the global economy than just video game sales.

Blockchain Games to Earn Money

All technical improvements point to a positive future for gaming. The emergence of a breakthrough gaming genre — Play to Earn blockchain games — was unavoidable as a result. Gamers may earn money without having to play full-time or as professionals thanks to blockchain technology. All they need are their PCs or mobile devices, as well as the willingness to spend time playing.

Now that you may make money by playing, gamers are curious about which games are likely to pay well. There are other blockchain games available, however our team selected the top ten games for earning money while playing.

Our team includes games that are presently available as well as games that are still in development but have a lot of potential to become popular when they are released.

#1. Town Star

Cryptocurrency Token Used: GALA

The next big thing comes from Zynga's founder and the clever minds behind the successful FarmVille and Words With Friends games: Town Star. Town Star, developed by Gala Games, has immediately piqued the curiosity of many gamers, particularly those who enjoyed playing FarmVille back in 2009.

You do not need an account to play the game; however, you do need one to return to your town and earn and get rewards. The game begins with the player selecting an empty plot of land to own. Strategically, you must select your land carefully and finally establish your own town.

The game needs you to finish a six-day cycle before moving on to the world map. Not only does the world map reset, but so do the player's achievements. Every cycle, the player obtains NFTs, GALA tokens, and other rewards.

Indeed, Town Star recently released Mirandus-themed Town Star Skins, which are intended to improve craftwork and speed in a player's 'town.'

This game is ideal for individuals who have mastered Farmville and Words With Friends because it is as simple to play as these two.

#2. Revomon

Cryptocurrency Token Used: REVO

Revomon is an online RPG that offers an immersive virtual reality experience through the use of cutting-edge technology similar to that found in NFTs. As a result, Revomon enables players to properly appreciate the value of blockchain games and the potential of blockchain technology.

Revomon is now accessible in the Alpha version of the game. This means that the experience is enhanced, and the same is true for earning while playing. The team is now working on the next Alpha version 1.2, which will include 3D art and NFTs.

The social component, storyline, and rivalry inside the game will be improved with the addition of various features. Revomon enables players to earn cryptocurrencies in a secure marketplace. Tokenomics, $REVO, intends to achieve just that: to build a balanced ecosystem of investors, project growth, and game universe.

#3. Splinterlands

Cryptocurrency Token Used: SPS

Splinterlands is next on the list. Splinterlands allows players to acquire cards with varying attributes and powers. These cards are also used in fight with other players in skill-based battles.

Splinterlands, which is integrated with blockchain, enables players to purchase, sell, and trade their assets in a recordable and immutable manner. Winning rewards in tournaments, ranking games, and tasks allows gamers to earn money quickly.

Splinterlands is compatible with the Ethereum, Tron, and WAX blockchains. It also makes use of the Hive crypto wallet, which creates your in-game credits automatically as you register in the game.

#4. Sorare

Cryptocurrency Token Used: SOR, ETH

Football fans will undoubtedly enjoy this game. Sorare football-based NFT platform with Ethereum blockchain integration. It is a collectable card game featuring football players from around the world. A user can use these collectibles to establish a virtual football squad and compete against other players in several active leagues.

Because the game is based on real-life performances, a player can design line-ups, select a captain, and collect points. Sorare collectable cards have different levels of uniqueness and scarcity—Rare, Super Rare, and Unique. You can win weekly prizes by defeating Managers and each game in order to level up and advance through the divisions.

Sorare recently revealed that Limited Cards with 1 to 1000 scarcity will be available in the game soon, increasing players' chances of playing Division 5, Global All-Star football games.

Sorare employs NFT, which allows players to sell, purchase, or trade cards on Ethereum using the ERC-721 token standard.

#5. Alien Worlds

Cryptocurrency Token Used: Trilium, ERC-20/BEP-20/WAX fungible token

Alien Worlds is a new NFT DeFi metaverse that allows players to compete and collaborate.

In the Alien Worlds metaverse, one can rule a planet and become a member of the Planetary Councils. A player can collect NFT game cards (Land on Planets, Tools and Weapons, Avatars, Minions, and Artifacts), mine Trilium, battle other players, and accomplish in-game tasks. One must be strategic when selecting, purchasing, and building NFTs for their personal playtime, as this can have a significant impact on the game's overall path.

Trilium, an ERC-20/BEP-20/WAX fungible token, is the cryptocurrency utilised in Alien Worlds. This can be used to stake and vote in elections on a certain planet, and it is also distributed to the Federation, which is responsible with creating a working Metaversal economy.

#6. CryptoBlades

Cryptocurrency Token Used: SKILL

Riveted Games, an award-winning video game company, created various NFT RPG games, including Cryptoblades. CryptoBlades has evolved into a powerful game with the power of B-S-C and blockchain, from which participants can enjoy long-term gains.

To play CryptoBlades on their web-based game platform, you will need an internet connection. To begin, the game indicates that a player has control over their NFTs (weapons and characters), with the ability to sell and exchange them in-game. However, each transaction is subject to a small cost.

The token utilised in CryptoBlades is SKILL. When a player defeats their opponent, they get SKILL tokens. And, because it is an online game, players should anticipate the game to evolve at a rapid pace in order to remain relevant.

Furthermore, people are still encouraged to play the game because it is simple to gain money from.

#7. Lost Relics

Lost Relics is a game with a lot of items. It is an Action-Adventure Role-Playing Game (ARRP) that is supported by the Ethereum Blockchain. It is one of the most well-known and often played NFT games today, with participants frequently winning incentives such as gold coins and other blockchain things. Furthermore, due to their scarcity, these things are worth a lot of money on the open market. In truth, the majority of these things are extremely uncommon and available only through Lost Relics.

To play the game, you must fight monsters, complete quests, invade dungeons, and collect as many rare loots as possible in order to generate revenue. Quests, Events, and Encounters are all ways for a player to gain valuable things

#8. Axie Infinity

Cryptocurrency Token Used: AXS

Axie Infinity is the game that popularised the term "Play to Earn" and will go down in history as the first game to realise many gamers' desire of earning money by playing.

Users can buy, sell, breed, and trade Axies in the game. These are cute spherical NFT monsters with various skill sets that you can use in battle. You can play the Adventure mode or compete against other players in PVP mode within the game. Smooth Love Potion (SLP) - a coin that can be used to breed new axes — can be earned here. SLP can also be converted into money via crypto exchanges.

Axie Infinity is now the fastest-growing Play to Earn blockchain game. The game currently has 500,000 daily users. It also recently outsold NBA Top Shot in terms of all-time NFT sales.

To round up our list, here are the most anticipated NFT, Play to Earn games that are currently built but will soon begin to earn revenue for players:

#9. Illuvium

Cryptocurrency Token Used: ILV

The Ethereum blockchain serves as the foundation for Illuvium. It is a solid gamified DeFi that allows you to earn ETH, similar to Axie Infinity.

It's a 3D role-playing game with a predictable plot and an open and explorable setting. The ‘Illuvials' are what distinguishes Illuvium. Each Illuvial has its own personality, artwork, and rigging. Furthermore, each has a unique rarity and set of abilities.

You battle other players in the game, and you can gather these Illuvials in Shards stored on the blockchain. You may also head to Exchange if you want to trade these Illuvials with other players, but keep an eye out for the uncommon ones, such as Shiny, Gold, and Holographic catches.

Players may expect long-term benefits, earnings, and a high-level gaming experience like never before with the launch of Illuvials.

#10. My DeFi Pet

Cryptocurrency Token Used: DPET

My DeFi Pet could be one of the most promising forthcoming NFT games right now. The game includes a plethora of advantageous earning and gaming mechanisms. My DeFi Pet, like Axie Infinity, is likely to have breeding, evolving, and battle systems in the NFT features.

The in-game token is DPET, and you can use it to buy, trade, and upgrade monsters, as well as unlock their features. Of course, in addition to the tokens, you can gain other benefits from the game.

It has the feel of Farmville because you feed ‘crops' to the monsters, and the graphics are similar to Dragon City because you can ‘breed monsters' here as well.

However, because it is currently in Beta, players are unable to fully exploit the game's potential. People can expect further features such as PvP warfare, Campaign Mode, Daily Quest, Pet Expedition, Endless Tower, New UI, Sell Cage feature, Skill System for Pets, and so on, according to's plan.

For the time being, play My DeFi Pet to your heart's delight, especially since the team behind it is eager to provide updates on the game. Also, be patient as it unlocks its 'play to earn' option.

That's all there is to it!

Our comprehensive collection of NFT and Play-To-Earn titles that are currently shaping the blockchain gaming industry.

Originally, online games were created to provide us with leisure to have fun with ourselves or with our peers. Today, thanks to blockchain gaming, you may earn money while doing something you enjoy.

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