This week’s Long Reads Sunday is a reading of “The Currency Cold War: Four Scenarios” by Jeff Wilsner – part of CoinDesk’s Internet 2030 series. 
In it, Wilsner talks to experts about four scenarios:
A multi-currency scenario, where exchange is abstracted away via digital wallets
A China-led scenario
A U.S.-led scenario
A bitcoin/non-state currency-led scenario
In addition to reading, NLW gives his take on which scenario is most likely.

This week’s Long Reads Sunday is a reading of “The Currency Cold War: Four Scenarios” by Jeff Wilsner – part of CoinDesk’s Internet 2030 series. 

In it, Wilsner talks to experts about four scenarios:

A multi-currency scenario, where exchange is abstracted away via digital wallets A China-led scenario A U.S.-led scenario A bitcoin/non-state currency-led scenario

In addition to reading, NLW gives his take on which scenario is most likely.