Sven Henrich is the founder and lead market strategist at NorthmanTrader. Well known for his appearances on CNBC, CNN Business and MarketWatch, Sven is also the host of the Straight Talk podcast. 
In this conversation, he and NLW discuss:
The ever-weakening economic cycle
Why the Fed has boxed itself in 
Why the asset price bubble is contributing to wealth inequality 
How market capitalization-to-GDP reached all-time highs
What the election means for markets 
Find our guest online:
Twitter: NorthmanTrader

Sven Henrich is the founder and lead market strategist at NorthmanTrader. Well known for his appearances on CNBC, CNN Business and MarketWatch, Sven is also the host of the Straight Talk podcast. 

In this conversation, he and NLW discuss:

The ever-weakening economic cycle Why the Fed has boxed itself in  Why the asset price bubble is contributing to wealth inequality  How market capitalization-to-GDP reached all-time highs What the election means for markets 

Find our guest online:

Twitter: NorthmanTrader



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