Satoshi Nakamoto is often recognized for his technical genius in solving the double spend problem. He is also widely revered for his willingness to walk away from the protocol to make it stronger, something no other entrepreneur who has created anything on the scale of Bitcoin has ever done. 
What people discuss less often is Satoshi’s marketing instincts. In this illuminating conversation, serial bitcoin entrepreneur Dan Held argues: 
Satoshi had strong instincts about how price would drive bitcoin adoption
The bitcoin white paper document was a marketing pitch aimed specifically at the cypherpunks 
The competition between bitcoin narratives is something that gives the protocol strength
The competition to shape bitcoin's narrative is truly free and open to all

Satoshi Nakamoto is often recognized for his technical genius in solving the double spend problem. He is also widely revered for his willingness to walk away from the protocol to make it stronger, something no other entrepreneur who has created anything on the scale of Bitcoin has ever done. 

What people discuss less often is Satoshi’s marketing instincts. In this illuminating conversation, serial bitcoin entrepreneur Dan Held argues: 

Satoshi had strong instincts about how price would drive bitcoin adoption The bitcoin white paper document was a marketing pitch aimed specifically at the cypherpunks  The competition between bitcoin narratives is something that gives the protocol strength The competition to shape bitcoin's narrative is truly free and open to all