Today Gabriele & Oleg with Coinrule joins us to discuss how they are empowering traders to compete with professional algorithmic traders and hedge funds.

Gabriele is the Founder and CEO of Coinrule — a smart assistant designed exclusively for cryptocurrency traders. With over 15 years of experience in domains such as FINTECH, Telco, Science, Banking, he has has been able to seamlessly navigate through a range of innovation management roles around 5 countries (Finland, UK, USA, Hungary, Italy) working for UBS Bank, Nokia, NHS, Vodafone, IBM, WPP, Lloyds Bank, etc. Gabriele holds a BSc/MSc from the Polytechnic of Milan and has undertaken several executive business programs at the L.S.E and Harvard University. He is a Lead Mentor at Google Launchpad, and a Mentor at StartupBootCamp, and Virgin Startups.

Oleg Giberstein studied Politics and International Relations (BA and MPhil) in London and Oxford and subsequently worked in Banking and Risk roles at Citigroup London for a number of years. In his last role at Citi, Oleg was Chief of Staff to Citi's Global Public Sector Portfolio Head. After launching his first startup Guidelighter, a career mentoring platform, Oleg helped build a Tech and Startup Ecosystem in Palestine for the Portland Trust before joining Gabriele to start Coinrule in 2018. He is a Board Trustee at the Startup Leadership Program (SLP). SLP Startups have collectively raised over $700 million. Together with Gabriele launched Coinrule in 2018.


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*Disclaimer. None of this information is financial advice.


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