Karim is back on the show after his trip to Europe, and he's brought a bunch of crypto aroudn the world news with him. He's talking Africa, he's talking Europe, and he's calling Brent out for being wrong on stuff. Karim is back on the show after his trip to Europe, and he's brought a bunch of crypto aroudn the world news with him. He's talking Africa, he's talking Europe, and he's calling Brent out for being wrong on stuff. 

EOS and CSW appear on every show at this point, but the news is never good. Why is EOS not a good blockchain? Did they pump their own ICO? Who knows, we talk about the evidence.

You can now buy bitcoin at Coinstar machines at the grocery store (adoption) - https://i.redd.it/uk7fdi2fz7131.jpg

Excel lists Bitcoin as a currency - https://i.redd.it/pja93uz5nr031.jpg

Kraken paid 250 salaries in crypto - https://beincrypto.com/nobod-work-bitcoin-except-everyone/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=btc&utm_content=sne

Samsung moving to integrate crypto to Samsung Pay - https://cryptoticker.io/en/samsung-cryptocurrency-smart-pay/

IOTA has announced a solution to remove the Coordinator - https://coordicide.iota.org/

Reserve Bank of Malawi spooked by Crypto - https://www.ccn.com/cryptocurrencies-not-legal-tender-says-malawis-central-bank

Mthuli Ncube - https://www.ccn.com/cryptocurrency-could-solve-zimbabwes-cash-shortages-finance-minister

Project Khokha - https://www.ccn.com/real-world-ethereum-based-blockchain-payments-trial-a-success-south-africas-central-bank

North Korea Launched Cryptocurrency Attacks in Response to Sanctions, Says FBI - https://cointelegraph.com/news/north-korea-launched-cryptocurrency-attacks-in-response-to-sanctions-says-fbi

Egypt Lifts Cryptocurrency Ban & Will Allow Licensed Companies - https://www.coindesk.com/egypt-lifts-ban-will-allow-licensed-cryptocurrency-companies?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=coindesk&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=Organic%20

Egypt Lifts Cryptocurrency Ban & Will Allow Licensed Companies - https://www.coindesk.com/egypt-lifts-ban-will-allow-licensed-cryptocurrency-companies?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=coindesk&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=Organic%20

Egypt Lifts Cryptocurrency Ban & Will Allow Licensed Companies - https://fora.ie/bank-of-ireland-aib-blockchain-4659758-May2019/

Report on EOS alleges that they engaged in wash trading during the year long ICO. - https://media.consensys.net/a-retrospective-of-the-eos-token-sale-172d3437932b 
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