Episode 029 - How Your Inner Work Creates Your Outer Results with Kelly Ruta

Guest Bio

Kelly Ruta is a high-performance mentor for female entrepreneurs. Her style of coaching and speaking has best been described as Gary Vaynerchuk meets Brene Brown; ass-kicking with a heart. Kelly’s 20+ year career has been spent helping women rise above serious challenges and take back their businesses and lives. Her clinical and life experiences with diverse people and challenges make her uniquely qualified as an expert at helping people get out of their own way and rise up in todays entrepreneurial world.

Key Takeaways

What is mindset and how does it relate to making money? Mindset is how you develop your inner game Your inner game is all the inner work that you do in how you deal with your mind and emotions and how those two things come together in order to make decisions and get into action Bringing to the table your empowered mindset will have a direct effect on your bottom line in a positive way The issue of mindset manifests itself in both inner and outer working symptoms Outer working symptoms are not achieving the results you desire Inner working symptoms are constant feelings: frustration, struggle, and feeling like you have to constantly hustle and grind feeling guilty about raising your prices or paying yourself or even collecting on accounts receivable resistance to hiring a really powerful team to help you grow the business So we are both fans of Profit First and when clients come to me wanting to implement this system after having read the book, I typically start off our engagement by going through their financials and deconstructing their money flows and putting it into the different containers of Profit, Owner’s comp, taxes, etc and what I found as 2 of the common struggling areas is that 1. they are not paying themselves what they should and 2. they are not either charging what they should or not collecting what they should.  And when I’ve addressed that with them, what I found is that their belief as entrepreneurs is that they are supposed to struggle and the idea of charging or collecting money seems in poor taste even though they know they are in business to make money - Can you speak to that? Women, in general, have been taught that our worth is tied up in what we do for others, so many women experience feelings of guilt and shame when pricing their products and services in alignment with the value they provide When we are making money in alignment with providing high value, we are then able to turnaround and do so much good for ourselves, for our families and our communities Worth vs Value Worth is a birthright not earned Value are the results, the outcomes, and transform that we either create or co-create with our customers How can overcome those limiting beliefs? Take stock in the work you have done over your lifetime, whether paid or not paid, and determine what service you provided Do not minimize the results you have helped people achieve already Get a hold on the imposter syndrome Place limits and boundaries the use of social media Have a focus, intent and purpose for being on social media Do not buy into competition but only compete and compare your results with yourself in the past as a way to benchmark your progress We set goals based on what we believe the having of them, the being of them, or the doing of them will make us feel So how can you get yourself into money mindset where you are comfortable charging what your worth and receiving the money? We are not 100% responsible for our clients results (this can vary depending on the industry) Do not promise something you can not deliver on if you provide done-for-you type of services If you co-create results with your clients, you can invite your clients to do the worth with you but you can not make them do the work so the price you charge is for the delivery of your expertise and the promise is in doing the work will attain results The key this success is selling from a place of service and integrity Saying no to non-ideal clients it opens up your ability to not only attract but serve your ideal clients   Call To Action: Identify your emotional pain point related to business and begin to do the inner work to heal that

Items mentioned in this episode:

Kelly Ruta's website and resources


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