Episode 024 - Intentional Networking with Maria Jeancola

Guest Bio

An entrepreneur at heart, Maria Jeancola loves helping people thrive and succeed. She has found that being part of an amazing company like Aligned Health Center, and spreading the word of Chiropractic BioPhysics, as an unbelievably rewarding experience.

In addition to providing health care, She has built Network Fifty Two, a networking group that helps people connect and work together in a mutually beneficial way. She has been amazed at the success of this group from the very beginning and it proves that collaboration is a key ingredient in the pursuit of excellence.

To further expand her reach to help others both personally and professionally, she also runs a life and health insurance brokerage. This has allowed her to encompass her wide network of people, businesses, and services to provide a unique approach to help individuals and small businesses with the best possible solution when it comes to insurance, investments and benefits.

As a proud mother of three amazing children, she tries to lead by example, believing that a parent should not make their children their excuse, but their reason.

Key Takeaways

Definition of networking - cultivate productive business relationships

Givers attract takers

There are angel numbers - the number 52 means to selflessly give

Biggest misconception about networking is that there is no one who needs what you do

How to network at an event:

Set a goal "Don't spray and pray" your business card; quantity isn't always better Start the conversation by talking about the other person Just ask for something Carry a pen to jot down notes on a business card Have a place to collect business cards and a place with your business cards Follow up immediately - connect on LinkedIn with a message and call to action (schedule a coffee)

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