Is Trump Pushing It Too Far With Social Media?
Donald Trump Tweets That The Gentleman Who Was Pushed Over by the Police 'Could Be' an ANTIFA Protestor

President Donald Trump made waves when he posted up an incendiary Tweet saying that Martin Gugino, a protestor pushed down by police causing him to hit his head and being bleeding, "could be an ANTIFA provocateur.

Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 9, 2020

What does it matter if he was?  Does that make the improper use of force by the police somehow acceptable?  This is the issue we see, folks:  by calling ANTIFA a domestic terrorist organization, you can now begin to label certain individuals as "enemy combatants."  Thus, those who may not be part of ANTIFA can still be labeled and treated as such.  This is a dangerous step considering just how divisive President Trump can be.

Let's be honest - the #TrumpCult loves how divisive he is.  Needless Tweets like this do not seek to bridge the divide between a hurting nation who needs someone to spearhead a movement of unity and love.  That may sound like a nice, fluffy, liberal unicorn to some but in actuality, it's a Christian idea to love your enemies.  Social media may not be the best place to air your grievances when you are leading the free world.
Social Media Question:  Do you believe that social media has become more aggressive and incendiary since Donald Trump has taken office?

Go to The Breakdown Twitter or Facebook pages to answer.
 Schools Will Be Tracking Your Kids For COVID-19 Safety

You didn't think the COVID-19 madness was over, did you?  The media will push the hype for as long as possible keeping you and your kids in complete fear.  In order to ensure the safety of your child and others, New Albany-Plain Schools in Ohio told Wired that they'll be automatically tracking your kids while they are at school.  Do we have a reason to believe it will stop there when they go home?
"We are very much interested in the automated tracking of students," Michael Sawyers, the district superintendent for New Albany-Plain Schools, told Wired. Sawyers reportedly believes that the technology will enable school officials to determine if social distancing practices are being followed and pinpoint at-risk individuals should someone in the district test positive for the virus.

In addition to the tracking technology, the school district will reportedly employ traditional safety measures such as regular temperature checks, face masks, and strategic social distancing.
Have You Stopped To Consider the Other Perspectives of Black Americans?

Christian hip-hop artist Shai Linne opened up at The Gospel Coalition about how he's dealing with the George Floyd incident.  In a stirring letter, originally written for a white Christian sister, Shai advises that when black people see George Floyd-like incidents it isn't just that one occurrence; it's the whole package which comes along with it:
So when I watch a video like George Floyd’s, it represents for me the fresh reopening of a deep wound and the reliving of layers of trauma that get exponentially compounded each time a well-meaning white friend says, “All lives matter.” Of course they do, but in this country, black lives have been treated like they don’t matter for centuries and present inequities in criminal justice, income, housing, health care, education, etc. show that all lives don’t actually matter like they should.
Taking steps to understand where he is coming from is vital to properly communicating the Gospel to hurting folks.  In this time of pain Christians must lead the charge with extreme measures:  extreme love, extreme acceptance, extreme empathy, extreme sympathy,

Is Trump Pushing It Too Far With Social Media?

Donald Trump Tweets That The Gentleman Who Was Pushed Over by the Police ‘Could Be’ an ANTIFA Protestor

President Donald Trump made waves when he posted up an incendiary Tweet saying that Martin Gugino, a protestor pushed down by police causing him to hit his head and being bleeding, “could be an ANTIFA provocateur.

Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 9, 2020

What does it matter if he was?  Does that make the improper use of force by the police somehow acceptable?  This is the issue we see, folks:  by calling ANTIFA a domestic terrorist organization, you can now begin to label certain individuals as “enemy combatants.”  Thus, those who may not be part of ANTIFA can still be labeled and treated as such.  This is a dangerous step considering just how divisive President Trump can be.

Let’s be honest – the #TrumpCult loves how divisive he is.  Needless Tweets like this do not seek to bridge the divide between a hurting nation who needs someone to spearhead a movement of unity and love.  That may sound like a nice, fluffy, liberal unicorn to some but in actuality, it’s a Christian idea to love your enemies.  Social media may not be the best place to air your grievances when you are leading the free world.

Social Media Question:  Do you believe that social media has become more aggressive and incendiary since Donald Trump has taken office?

Go to The Breakdown Twitter or Facebook pages to answer.

 Schools Will Be Tracking Your Kids For COVID-19 Safety

You didn’t think the COVID-19 madness was over, did you?  The media will push the hype for as long as possible keeping you and your kids in complete fear.  In order to ensure the safety of your child and others, New Albany-Plain Schools in Ohio told Wired that they’ll be automatically tracking your kids while they are at school.  Do we have a reason to believe it will stop there when they go home?

“We are very much interested in the automated tracking of students,” Michael Sawyers, the district superintendent for New Albany-Plain Schools, told Wired. Sawyers reportedly believes that the technology will enable school officials to determine if social distancing practices are being followed and pinpoint at-risk individuals should someone in the district test positive for the virus.

In addition to the tracking technology, the school district will reportedly employ traditional safety measures such as regular temperature checks, face masks, and strategic social distancing.

Have You Stopped To Consider the Other Perspectives of Black Americans?

Christian hip-hop artist Shai Linne opened up at The Gospel Coalition about how he’s dealing with the George Floyd incident.  In a stirring letter, originally written for a white Christian sister, Shai advises that when black people see George Floyd-like incidents it isn’t just that one occurrence; it’s the whole package which comes along with it:

So when I watch a video like George Floyd’s, it represents for me the fresh reopening of a deep wound and the reliving of layers of trauma that get exponentially compounded each time a well-meaning white friend says, “All lives matter.” Of course they do, but in this country, black lives have been treated like they don’t matter for centuries and present inequities in criminal justice, income, housing, health care, education, etc. show that all lives don’t actually matter like they should.

Taking steps to understand where he is coming from is vital to properly communicating the Gospel to hurting folks.  In this time of pain Christians must lead the charge with extreme measures:  extreme love, extreme acceptance, extreme empathy, extreme sympathy, and extreme grace.

Social Media Question:  Are you actively engaging with the lives of hurting minorities to better understand their American experience?

Go to The Breakdown Twitter or Facebook pages to answer.


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