SuperMom is real.

You are SuperMom. 

I am SuperMom. 

Let me tell you just one SuperMom story… 

After months of being unable to get out of the house and weeks of being unable to get out of bed due to the onset of severe vertigo after the birth of our third child in 2014, I was resentful.  

Prior to the onset of my affliction, I had all the perfect systems and routines in place in our lives. A bout with vestibular neuritis left me unable to maintain my normal life--and that meant SuperMom had died. During my struggle there were many days where I wasn’t able to carry my 5-month-old from the bedroom to the nursery, standing upright long enough to play with my kids outside made me sick and I couldn’t get the rest I needed because my room wouldn’t stop spinning day after day, night after night. A condition that should have lasted a few days, maybe a week or two at most, plagued me for months and left me with permanent damage that continued to impact my life for years. As the condition persisted and the reality that this was the new normal for me set in, my inner voice turned on me.

It said: SuperMom is dead.