Have you ever wondered what it takes to make a post go viral? Many “experts” will tell you that making a post go viral is impossible and it all really comes down to luck.

But Rachel Pedersen certainly thinks virality can be created if you understand your audience and take advantage of the ONE thing all viral posts have in common.

In fact, when she set out to write her famous post about her “tiny wedding ring”, she used this one tactic and the results speak for themselves.

235 words + $4 in Facebook ad spend equals...




- Huffington Post contributing writer gig

- Today Show article

- Daily Mail...

- Glamour...

- Cosmo…

...and Rachel never had a formal education in marketing. In fact, she got her start as a social media marketer while employed as a hairstylist, creating Facebook posts for fun for her studio. They brought in new clients.

One day, the wife of a multi-million dollar chicken restaurant franchisor sat in her chair and asked her if she “did social media”. She was hired by the franchise and her social media marketing career started to take off.

Soon after she took on other clients and was able to replace her income and quit her hairstyling job.

Rachel and I recently worked together on The Pavlok - Shock Clock Indiegogo campaign which raised just shy of $300,000, and her social media strategy was a major reason why.

As a Project Creator, understanding how to build your audience is the key to Crowdfunding Success.

(... sound familiar?)

Building and engaging your audience on social media is a great way to keep your pulse on your market and grow your business.

In this episode, Rachel gives you a ton of powerful tips to get started.

You’ll learn:

The ONE thing all posts that go viral have in common The Top 2-3 social platforms you should focus on and why What sorts of posts work best on Facebook versus Twitter Why you should NEVER automate your social media posting (...and the one time you can) How often you should be posting on social media if you want to see real results


Show Notes:

www.becomeasocialmediamarketer.com - Rachel’s Free Online Facebook Community

The Tiny Wedding Ring post

The Shock Clock Indiegogo Campaign