In 2010, Nicole Keating’s boyfriend of four years died suddenly and unexpectedly.


In the months after tragedy, while working 80 hours a week in the restaurant industry, Nicole came to a startling realization:


“I am either going to drown in this grief or I am going to do something meaningful with my life.”


With her training as an artist, she started a Therapeutic Art Practice creating art with Alzheimer's and Autistic patients in nursing homes.


It was her dream job.


Her life had a purpose.


She was happy… but not healthy.


Looking up her symptoms on WebMD she “discovered” she was “dying five different ways”.


Nicole hit a tipping point and vowed to take control of her health and her life.


In this podcast, follow along with Nicole as she describes how that journey for wellness and meaning lead to discovering the power of habit and ritual and how it changed her life and can put the afterburners on your crowdfunding campaign.


You will learn:

-Why a morning ritual is so crucial for starting your day on the right foot, and how you can create your own.

Why “taking a day off” is crucial for the success of your crowdfunding campaign.

-Why defending your sleep with an evening ritual is almost as important, and Nicole's specific rules for her own sleep space.

-The only difference between Oprah, Tony Robbins, Barack Obama, and YOU.

-How a new, healthy, habit can become effortless, and in fact, more difficult to NOT do than to do.

-How Khierstyn skyrocketed her own productivity after committing to a morning ritual, moving her business forward more in two weeks than in the previous 3 months combined.

-How Nicole uses meditation to improve her focus or give her an energy boost, and the tool she uses to do it.


Resources mentioned:


The Art of Epic Wellness Website

The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod

Headspace Meditation App