Curious about what goes into a Kickstarter campaign?

Ready to transform your new invention from an idea to a reality? Now is the time! 

In this episode of Crowdfunding Demystified, Salvador Briggman lets you peek behind the curtain at one of the most vital steps in your pre-launch campaign: creating the prototype

A prototype is a working model of your product that lets your backers know exactly what they are getting, AND it is essential to launch a campaign on most crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter.

From the initial concept sketch right to manufacturing, Sal walks you through the entire process of creating a functioning prototype. You will learn insider secrets like:

Creating a concept sketch

Utilizing the power of 3D printing

Finding a top-rated manufacturer

Setting up a realistic timeline

…and so much more. 

So, turn that product you’ve had rattling around in your brain into working prototype…and launch your crowdfunding future today!

Resources and Tools Mentioned on the Show

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Fulfillrite: Kickstarter and crowdfunding reward fulfillment services. They come highly recommended! Download their free shipping and fulfillment checklist.

Free Equity Crowdfunding Course

Equity Crowdfunding Explained

The Kickstarter Launch Formula