Here’s a little inside tip: 

Crowdfunding is hot right now but it’s still the road less travelled. Ever wonder why?

Simply put, because there is plenty of information out there but too little of it is designed to equip you with the exact tools to get you started. 

So, in this episode of the Crowdfunding Demystified podcast, Salvador Briggman speaks to the founder of Nuudii System, Annette Azan, about how she crushed her Kickstarter goal and reached 4,323 backers for her revolutionary product.

Expect expert guidance on:

How to skyrocket product launch to $360,793 Kickstarter mega success Using brand storytelling to keep the crowdfunding momentum Nailing the team-building aspect of your project

Spoiler alert: you’re going to love it!

Find out more about Sal’s Kickstarter Launch Formula Audiobook


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