Have you ever watched a crowdfunding campaign raise millions of dollars and wondered, “how the heck do I do that?”

Does the magic of getting startup funding seem like an elusive fairytale?

Today’s guest’s crowdfunding experience might just help turn your dreams into actuality! They’re here to reveal exactly how they were able to raise an astonishing $1.3 million for their startup on WeFunder.

In this episode of Crowdfunding Demystified, you’ll hear Salvador Briggman talk to Patrick, President and CEO of GroGuru.

GroGuru provides a software solution that links with a wireless underground system (WUGS) to provide farmers with a technology to make money while conserving water and increasing crop yield.

Patrick has had extensive experience in the industry of raising capital. He has raised billions of dollars for startups in the past!

In today’s episode, Patrick reveals: 

What inspired him to go from angel investor to taking the reins of this particular campaign The ups and downs of raising capital for startups Advice from someone who has been through many crowdfunding campaigns

With his wealth of knowledge and experience in crowdfunding, this is an episode you’ll definitely need a fresh notepad for!

Resources and Tools Mentioned on the Show

Crowdfunding Coaching Equity Crowdfunding Explained Free Equity Crowdfunding Course Fulfillrite: Kickstarter and crowdfunding reward fulfillment services. They come highly recommended! Download their free shipping and fulfillment checklist. GroGuru