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Antichris creator Jordan King was an Eastern Kentucky comic book magnate at age 10.

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AntiChris is a miniseries written by Jojo King, arts/inks done by Manuel Mezquita, and letters/inks by Ken Reynolds. It is available to purchase here:
You can also buy the comic in print and digitally over here as well:
Look out for the second issue coming soon!
AntiChris follows an orphan named Chris as he is shipped off to a halfway house ran by a secret force. Once there, he meets a number of strange people and experiences revealing nightmares about his mysterious past. It starts to become clear that something is wrong with Chris… Something evil and powerful is lurking inside him…
A few of the characters you can expect to see in AntiChris is Renai, a werepire (half vampire, half werewolf, in case you were wondering), Theresa, the manager of the house with a secret objective, a janitor who has a certain taste for corpses, an Irish dude with a filthy mouth, and a demon with a connection to Chris. Zombies crash through the house, Satanic rituals are completely botched, cats are demonically possessed, and road trips across the United States are embarked on!
Join the campy and surreal-ish fun for only .99 cents! Also, your support would be greatly appreciated and you can follow us on FaceBook: and follow us on Twitter @Anti666Chris!
Writer Jojo King is located in Kentucky and is currently working on five other miniseries called “Life & Death”, “The Forest”, “Mulberry St”, “Crystal’s Odyssey”, and “Hale & Back”. Additionally he has a short appearing in the horror comic anthology “The Midnight Candle” from Vivifica Studios. He spends his time writing, working part time, and attending college as a fulltime student. He also tends to spend most of his time surviving life with his beautiful and witty fiance. A 19 year old raised on 80s film, Jojo King aims to make the most irreverent, original, and f*cked up comics he can. Think David Lynch mixed with some Robocop with a touch of Friday the 13th thrown in for good measure. His favorite creators are the crazy canucks who dub themselves Astron-6:
Also an avid listener to Marilyn Manson:
You can check out Ken Reynolds website here:
You can also keep an eye peeled for an upcoming series from writer Jojo King called “SinEater”! It is drawn and lettered by Chase Dunham. It is completed and is looking for a publisher to call home.


Twitter: @Anti666Chris
Coast Comics Store: