Date:  July 20, 2020  Host:  Jim Schneider  ​Guest: Twila BraseMP3  ​​​| Order Cities, counties and states across the country are mandating the wearing of masks.  Some have made full implementation, others are on the brink of an …

Date:  July 20, 2020  
Host:  Jim Schneider  
​Guest: Twila Brase
MP3  ​​​| Order

Cities, counties and states across the country are mandating the wearing of masks.  Some have made full implementation, others are on the brink of an impending mask mandate.  What is the truth about masks?  

Appearing on Crosstalk to dissect this issue was Twila Brase.  Twila is the president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom.  She’s a registered nurse and author of ‘Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records.’  She’s the speaker on the daily ‘Health Freedom Minute’ heard on stations across the nation

Twila believes doing a state-wide mask mandate is wrong because the mask solution isn’t backed up by high quality, scientific evidence.  She cited the World Health Organization that has communicated that there’s no evidence to support community-wide masking.  In addition, the only study on medical masks vs. cloth masks says that medical masks prevent 44% of particles from getting through. On the other hand, a cloth mask only stops 3% of particles.

Twila feels the World Health Organization has one of the best list of harms to be aware of concerning the wearing of cloth masks.  There’s the increased risk of self-contamination due to manipulation of the mask itself, potential headache and breathing difficulties, potential development of facial skin lesions, difficulty communicating, a false sense of security and more. 

Did masks work in China?  Are doctors and hospitals simply capitulating to the mask wearing phenomenon or are some speaking out?  Why does the media continue to promote a coronavirus ‘spike’ and how does this compare to the actual number of deaths?   There’s another side to this story and you’ll hear the discussion, as well as learning what you can do, when you review this vital edition of Crosstalk. 

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