Jim began this holiday edition of Crosstalk by playing audio from former Vice President Joe Biden who yesterday said---'Our darkest days in the battle against COVID are ahead of us, not behind us.'--Jim went on to note how the sin and rebellion of man is escalating. He mentioned 2 Timothy 3 along with 2 Peter 2-3 and the perilous times, deception and false teaching that would be on the increase in the last days. --Scripture also tells us that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man returns. What was it like during those days- Genesis 6-5 answers that.--With dark days encroaching upon us, consider these verses as well- Romans 1-21, John 3-19, Ephesians 4-17 and 6-12.--However, just as the days seemingly grow darker, Jim suggested 2 words that should bring hope- 'But God...'--How exactly do those 2 words work to bring us hope- Find out by reviewing this broadcast where you'll hear how Jim finishes his message and how listeners answered the following question- With all that is taking place in the world, what is giving you joy this Christmas-