A pinch of Lewis, a dash of Ben, a dusting of Mark and a good glug of Alex. No, it's not a cookery show. It's not even a porno. It's CrossCast, a video game podcast by idiots, for idiots.

On this week's show, we discuss the Golden Joystick awards, the Switch OLED, Tetris Effect, A Monster's Expedition, EXO one and much more besides.

You know what, just reading back the first sentence I should have fully committed to the cooking theme and written this out like a recipe. Like, a proper recipe Mary Berry would write. Not one of those silly internet recipes where they tell you about their life for the first seven paragraphs before actually getting to the cooking bit. I mean, who has time to read that shit? It's so self indulgent and rarely entertaining. Why do they do it? Is it for SEO? I guess you can't blame a chef for keyword STUFFING. Ha! Little marketing/cookery joke there. Anyway, what was I saying about those people who ramble on, seemingly for their own entertainment? So annoying. Tell you what though, while we're talking about cookery, I've been watching a lot of Masterchef lately and I can't work out if I'm more attracted to Marcus Wareing or Monica Galetti. Probably Monica to be fair, not least because her name rhymes with phenomenal spaghetti.

Anyway, this is a video game podcast about video games.