Well folks, it's the big one.

They said we wouldn't make it this far.

They said Alex would eventually transfer to a podcast that doesn't require a stable internet connection. Perhaps one based in Scarborough.

They said Ben would leave all his worldly possessions (except the wine fridge) and start a new life with his cleaner, somewhere near Siofra River.

They said Lewis would sadly die of old age before finishing everyone's intros, the poor wee sausage.

And they said Dan would sit alone, surrounded by empty steelbooks, blaming himself, drunk off a potent mix of Bisto and broken dreams.

But here we are, mother chuffers. Episode 100, featuring all your favourite segments and some suitably silly celebrations.

Enjoy, and thank you all for your time, love and support. We love doing this, and we couldn't do it without you.

Here's to the next 100!