In Episode 39 of the Crooked Table Podcast, Rob shares his nonchalant response to Kong: Skull Island starring Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson and the titular king of the apes. Then, he waxes poetic on director Barry Jenkins' Oscar-winning coming-of-age drama Moonlight. From the tumult surrounding its shocking Best Picture win to the artistry involved in the film itself, Rob explains why the film was among his favorites released in 2016.

We’re excited to hear your feedback as the show continues to evolve. As usual, the podcast does feature explicit language and, as such, is best considered NSFW.

Thanks for listening!


Rob's Favorite 2016 Films

La La Land podcast review

Logan podcast review


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Robert Yaniz Jr. can be reached on Twitter at @crookedtable.   Connect with Crooked Table on social media:   Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Tumblr

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