The Holocaust isn't exactly brimming with comedic potential. But in the right hands, the real-life horrors of World War II can serve a noble cause. In some cases, this harsh setting can underscore the futility of hate and the absurdity of prejudice. Such is the goal of this episode's movie, writer-director Taika Waititi's 2019 Oscar winner Jojo Rabbit.

On her first appearance, Karen Peterson brought Bridget Jones's Diary to the Table. But we had a lot more ground to cover this time. We'll discuss how some moviegoers grossly misunderstood Jojo Rabbit, what Waititi changes in his adaptation of Christine Leunens' 2004 novel Caging Skies, and why Scarlett Johansson is the undisputed heart of the movie.

So brush up on those dance moves, turn up some Bowie, and prepare to tell Hitler to eff off as we launch into 2019's "anti-hate satire" Jojo Rabbit.


Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) is a lonely German boy who discovers that his single mother (Scarlett Johansson) is hiding a Jewish girl (Thomas McKenzie) in their attic. Aided only by his imaginary friend -- Adolf Hitler (writer/director Taika Waititi) -- Jojo must confront his blind nationalism as World War II continues to rage on.


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