Previous Episode: The Man Without Fear
Next Episode: Reboot Camp

Rob and Kai marvel at the mountain of terribleness that is Tommy Wiseau's cult classic The Room. It may be hard to make a great movie, but it's quite possibly far more difficult to create something this bad. Yet, The Room has become an insanely quotable phenomenon spawning a behind-the-scenes book and an in-the-works film adaptation from James Franco. "What a story, Mark" indeed.

This special edition of CTP serves as the first "Crooked Commentary" episode, and we’re excited to hear your feedback as the show continues to evolve. As usual, the podcast does feature explicit language and, as such, is best considered NSFW.

Thanks for listening!

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Robert Yaniz Jr. can be reached on Twitter at @crookedtable.

Kai Yaniz can be reached on Twitter at @TheVaultKeyLLC.

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