Croncast - 2006-11-08.mp3
Show: #298
Length: 42:46
Size: 29.3mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris November 08, 2006

It is the Croncast 2 year anniversary! Read on for reason of lack of show notes.

This sucks . . . I blew away the show notes by closing the tab after typing them in and not submitting. Firefox should ask if I really want to close the tab instead of just doing it. This sucks.

Betsy tells her auction story, possibly a classic and we also talk about what we're going to do for the group home kids. So we are going to be doing a donation drive for them. I will have some more posts and set up a process for promoting it but it will be later. Got lots of information about the organization but check out their site for more For now if you would like to make a cash donation to be given directly to the group home send it to [email protected] (PayPal).
Auction photos:

1) Fill out the appropriate form for you - *New* Listener or Get a Handle
(current listener)
2) Verify your email address (Activates and qualifies those with a "Handle")
3) *New* listeners get activated and qualified by using their special RSS feed
4) 300th new listener and the person whose Handle they use win iPods AND
5) A drawing for 2 more iPods from everyone who entered!