Episode: #625 The Croncast Shorty
Length: 4:18
Format: mp3
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Lumps of dirty clothes
These are clean
In a pile
You failed my mother's day test
Why are you testing me?
You should have told me it was test
People thinking ahead
I just want to be in the zone
As long as the number 13 stop following me around
I had a rocking mother's day
Other mommies are like, "we're going to brunch"
It sounds painful
Great for his birthday but not for mommies
The financiers mating with mermaids
Traditionally I spend the holiday alone
I want to that too
The Forenza
Yeah and the OBR (Out Back Red)
They yell
No words for please or thank you
BYOT (Bring Your Own Tarp) to Goodwill
I can hear it all
I know what is going on
I could stage direct Goodwill
So for Mother's Day you make me brownies
I hate brownies
How can you not know that?
The brownie with sprinkle frosting
Oh! And if you use the Twitters, check out Ville - http://ville.ag