Croncast - 2009-08-31.mp3
Show: #534
Length: 30:18
Size: 27.8 mb
Format: mp3

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Let the reboot begin
Still don't have the studio set up the way we would like
Whatever, don't leave a comment on the old shows
Seriously, a mummy might crawl out of your ear buds
Betsy breaks down why the shows stopped
It's the real deal
They heard the show
The offer was pulled
It pre-dated even their interest in our home
So much conflict from it we had to stop
Hard finding buyers
You guys knew all about the crazy
They didn't just call up
She furnished a transcript
Thanks to social media you can't feed the trolls offline
They knew we were in a bind
How can you be special when the whole world knows?
You're not on the inside when it's public knowledge
Enough of this crap
Picking back up where we left off . . .
Leaving Naperville
The car arrives to take us way
You can't tell that story yet
The New York story has to wait
"I am a rock star," Elliot
What do we move with - 6 suitcases
Getting on a jet plane
House hadn't closed yet
No place to live
Not a job offer
Finding new homes for dogs
Missing the four legged family members
Betsy has Swiffered her way out of the house
Grabbing Speedy
I didn't get a chance to say, "good-bye to the house."
Wasn't that weird for me
Airport hotel
I'm thinking holy shit I have nothing
I had a four bedroom house
Now I am moving across country wth 6 suitcases and a hermit crab