Croncast - 2009-02-06.mp3

Show: #509

Length: 29:41

Size: 27.3 mb

Format: mp3

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I'm on the wellness train

Gary Shilts cheap divorces window scraper

Betsy's host read

I didn't know that you background in radio?

Your dating a of DJ

I got this gig through FFA

I wasn't gonna check chicken chutes

Feta is for farmers

Chemists making cheese

I was the hottest chick in FFA

They could break walnuts with their thighs

You know, those girls

They smelled like hog shit at school

Which farm implement to have sex in for comfort

What else are the going to do?

It laid fallow long enough

See you didn't get to do that

They would have given you the bullhorn one morning

Get your feral cat poison by the gallon. Two for one!

Corn based economy

Flat tire again

Buy wine and bottled water for earthquake

Better if it was a Croncast poster

Join the department of health

"You probably have hep c. Brought to you by"

We could find tons of new listeners

Small town video store
All the labels were black and white

Quality of my relations was my credit

Tags: goat cheese FFA wellness train cronast ads corn based economy