Croncast - 2009-02-27.mp3

Show: #517

Length: 27:26

Size: 25.2 mb

Format: mp3

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Not really vicious

But spousal hate

Funny on many levels

A paid gig for Betsy

Will you be on IMDB?

I don't know what you're talking about

March every Thursday

Five other chicks all under me

Sounds like my kind of life

It's all coming together

Adam Carolla is now on the podcasting

Maybe we need to hire him

Six women under me

I want to write that book

Re-organized the basement

I had to get it on

Needed to change up my space

This winter is killing me emotionally

Short shorn polyester rug

It's 85 colors and shades of testosterone

Been stuck down here working for so long

I got a bit claustrophobic

Proud you cleaned up

Making space

I was afraid to touch your desk

Now I can gesticulate freely

It's like we're single again

Right from your mother's clutches to mine

You would be perfectly happy at public storage

Don't ship Grandma's meds via FedEx

So she can fly home stoned

Right, like God intended

Sherlock in Mumbai

Tags: Adam Carolla Podcast FedEx mule gesticulate freely Sherlock in Mumbai