Croncast - 2009-01-21.mp3

Show: #504

Length: 24:07

Size: 22.1 mb

Format: mp3

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Of those last week and yore

Kris, I've noticed that you've gotten chilly today

My body is cuddling itself trying to keep warm

I turned off the heat to try to force you out of the house

The cold isn't bothering me

So this was part of your master plan

A cocoon of The North Face goodness

All this little spoiled babies

Kids why don't you go see your dad

Shivering and grumping

I eat like I'm a seal

Get out, see some people

Skinny folks listen up

The chubby friend gets to make the salad jokes, Not you

The fat jokes are for me

Fattitudes about the chunky

Of course they're going to order the fries

When I lost weight I felt like a spy

Listening to people talk about the people

It's not blubber, it's a 42 in waist

The size I come is thick

I'm like a cylinder

You could benefit from some manternity clothes

My tummy isn't that protrusive

With the beard I wouldn't be a venereal stimulate any longer

Your mom probably called you that

I caught from my Buick

Someone was eating donuts in my car again

It's a medical term

Life Plan '09

Credit cards are all paid off

Tags: the north face venereal stimulant manternity clothes life plan