Croncast - 2008-04-17.mp3
Show: #480
Length: 32:24
Size: 22.3 mb
Format: mp3

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Special note: Betsy and Jeanie are having a meetup in San Francisco May 21, 2007 at House of Shields 39 New Montgomery St., Time: 6:30 p.m., stop and have a drink or two!

Short ones this time
Before you even open your trap, Betsy
And clean the lint from yours
Nice tight and concise . . .
Here is what happens with Croncast at 500
When they put the B before the K
Doesn't sound right to me
We are going to re-brand the show
And move to one day a week . . .
But, BUT, you the listener could get it up to two or even three days
Do tell, Kris
Do you remember "Tell a Friend Friday"?
Evo told tons of people
So for the next 20 shows you need to tell all of your people to listen to Croncast
At 500 shows if we double audience size we will go to two days a week
At 500 shows if we have tripled the audience size we will do three days a week
So you've got to get to it
Hopefully it will spread like herpes, Kris
The El Camino is coming back
I want a truck minivan combo
They are missing the boat
Poor customers service
Smoke starts coming out of holes where espresso is supposed to come out
I inhale deeply the scent of burnt coffee and plastic
How not to buy a hermit crab